
Press Releases

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Special Situations Opportunity

Auction of International Communications Group, Inc. and Corban Towers, Inc.

Dallas, TX - February 3, 2006
Time-Sensitive Matter: Auction Scheduled for February 23, 2006

Bids are due February 20, 2006 at 5:00 PM CST
Jackson Walker LLP
Kenneth Stohner, Jr.
901 Main Street, Suite 6000
Dallas, TX 75202
Facsimile: (214) 953-5822

FTI Capital Advisors, LLC has been engaged on an exclusive basis to market for sale the assets of International Communications Group, Inc. dba Corban Networks and Corban Towers, Inc (collectively, the “Company”).

The Company is a carrier neutral network service provider supplying “middle mile” access to communications carriers and large enterprises throughout the US. The network is a facilities based digital wireless and fiber optic network that covers over 16,000 route miles in 26 states and provides Tier 1 carrier point-to-point and Internet access services into secondary and tertiary markets. The Company owns 315 microwave towers, has an approximate additional 150 site locations and has access to approximately 500 additional towers through reciprocal and access right agreements.

February 20, 2006 5:00 PM CST, Dallas – Qualified Bids and Deposits due
February 23, 2006 10:00 AM CST, Dallas – Auction
February 27, 2006 1:30 PM CST, Dallas – Sale Hearing

Please Direct All Inquiries To:

More Info

Investor Relations Contacts

Mollie Hawkes

Head of Marketing, Communications & Investor Relations

+1 617-747-1791

Megan McLaughlin Hawkins

Senior Director, Investor Relations & Communications

+1 617-747-1740